lundi 9 janvier 2012

The difference between a civilization, a culture, and a society

A civilization is usually a society which conforms to a set of rules, there are disagreements and exceptions to these rules sometimes, Archaeologist Gordan Childe made a set of "rules" to classify civilization, which include a set of government, urbanisation, intellectual refinement, social groups, complex building structures, a form of art, writing and language and so on. Basically a civilization is a higher form of human society. The word itself comes from the latin civis, and I have heard civilization referred to as "the art of living in a city"

A human society in a nutshell is a group of people living together and interacting with each other. It can be basic and small or complex and large.  
Culture is what we call the method of doing things in separate societies. It is reflected in things such as art, cuisine, language, religion and so on. Generally it can be considered to be the "opinion" or voice of a society and representative of that society's values.

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